



Cancellation Policy

At La Fontaine Source De Jeunesse Cosmetic Surgery Centre, we can assure you that our fees are reasonable and our service is impeccable. Because of this we want you to be confident that you are informed of what is included in your cost. We also want to be upfront about our cancellation policies.

When you book a surgery with us, Surgeon, Anesthesiologist, Operating room and recovery, nurses, recovery nurses, any additional items such as implants, and other medical equipment costs associated with the procedure are included in your fees.

All initial doctor consultation fees are non refundable; however, if you elect to proceed with the procedure, they will be applied toward the cost of the surgery. Doctor consultation fees are payable at time of scheduled appointment.

Cosmetic surgery procedures are taxable, and HST is collected on all fees. No exceptions

Quotes are good for 6 months from the date of initial consultation . If you do not book your surgery within that time, it will be recommended for you to have another consultation with the doctor.

There are financing options available on our website or you will be given a flyer at your consultation at our office.

For payments for both consultations and surgery fees, we accept cash, most credit cards, certified cheque, money order.

At time of scheduling the date for your surgery, a deposit of 25% will be payable.

This deposit secures and schedules the doctor and support staff including both your operating room, nursing , and anesthesia staff necessary for your procedure.

For this reason, it is essential to keep your scheduled date so be sure to have the adequate accommodations in order including time from work, assistance at home etc. in advance to ensure that you are confident in the date before you schedule it.

You are required to pay the balance of total fees at least 4 weeks in advance of your surgery date.

Cancellation Policy:

All balances must be paid prior to scheduling any future appointments.
Regarding surgery scheduling, this requires careful planning and coordination between our office, the Surgery
Center and our operating room personnel, as well as your anesthesiologist, if applicable. In addition, special
medical instrumentation is prepared and sterilized for each individual procedure. Therefore, please understand
the importance of respecting our “Three-week Cancellation Policy” which entails the following:
Non-Refundable deposit will be kept, and the following additional penalties will apply depending on when the
surgery is cancelled:

  • Cancellation 15–21 days prior to your procedure date will result in a 25% loss of all fees
  • Cancellation 8–14 days prior to your procedure date will result in a 35% loss of all fees
  • Cancellation 7 days or less from your procedure date will result in 50% loss of all fees
  • Cancellation 1 day or less from your procedure date will result in 100% loss of all fees

Payment for surgery (which includes the surgeon’s fee, the O.R. facility fee, and the anesthesia fee) must be
received in full by certified check or credit card, four (4) weeks prior to your surgery date. This would also
apply for any post-operative care facility, in the event you had reservations

Rescheduling Policy

All reschedules must be made at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled date to avoid any penalties of fees.

If you reschedule within two weeks of your scheduled date then you will be charged an administration fee of 15% of the total surgery fees.

Our Hours

tag on yout theme's header.php Read the detailed step-by-step at https://humbertosilva.com/visual-composer-infinite-image-carousel/ */ // auxiliary code to create triggers for the add and remove class for later use (function($){ $.each(["addClass","removeClass"],function(i,methodname){ var oldmethod = $.fn[methodname]; $.fn[methodname] = function(){ oldmethod.apply( this, arguments ); this.trigger(methodname+"change"); return this; } }); })(jQuery); // main function for the infinite loop function vc_custominfiniteloop_init(vc_cil_element_id){ var vc_element = '#' + vc_cil_element_id; // because we're using this more than once let's create a variable for it window.maxItens = jQuery(vc_element).data('per-view'); // max visible items defined window.addedItens = 0; // auxiliary counter for added itens to the end // go to slides and duplicate them to the end to fill space jQuery(vc_element).find('.vc_carousel-slideline-inner').find('.vc_item').each(function(){ // we only need to duplicate the first visible images if (window.addedItens < window.maxItens) { if (window.addedItens == 0 ) { // the fisrt added slide will need a trigger so we know it ended and make it "restart" without animation jQuery(this).clone().addClass('vc_custominfiniteloop_restart').removeClass('vc_active').appendTo(jQuery(this).parent()); } else { jQuery(this).clone().removeClass('vc_active').appendTo(jQuery(this).parent()); } window.addedItens++; } }); // add the trigger so we know when to "restart" the animation without the user knowing about it jQuery('.vc_custominfiniteloop_restart').bind('addClasschange', null, function(){ // navigate to the carousel element , I know, its ugly ... var vc_carousel = jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent().parent(); // first we temporarily change the animation speed to zero jQuery(vc_carousel).data('vc.carousel').transition_speed = 0; // make the slider go to the first slide without animation and because the fist set of images shown // are the same that are being shown now the slider is now "restarted" without that being visible jQuery(vc_carousel).data('vc.carousel').to(0); // allow the carousel to go to the first image and restore the original speed setTimeout("vc_cil_restore_transition_speed('"+jQuery(vc_carousel).prop('id')+"')",100); }); } // restore original speed setting of vc_carousel function vc_cil_restore_transition_speed(element_id){ // after inspecting the original source code the value of 600 is defined there so we put back the original here jQuery('#' + element_id).data('vc.carousel').transition_speed = 600; } // init jQuery(document).ready(function(){ // find all vc_carousel with the defined class and turn them into infine loop jQuery('.vc_custominfiniteloop').find('div[data-ride="vc_carousel"]').each(function(){ // allow time for the slider to be built on the page // because the slider is "long" we can wait a bit before adding images and events needed var vc_cil_element = jQuery(this).prop("id"); setTimeout("vc_custominfiniteloop_init('"+vc_cil_element+"')",2000); }); });

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